behaviour. They love to gossip about absent members

of the group and, girl-like--they can be terribly catty in their remarks.



At this point of the interview I was getting a bit flustered remembering the number of times I've been guilty of that. Still, her statements seem to confirm one of my pet theories about TV life: that most of us are trying to look and act girlish without having had that basic training all GG's have from the time they are little girls until they become "ladies. We are missing all that training and we are trying to jump from a life of masculinity into the world of silks and satins in one single motion. That explains perhaps that "immaturity" our TV wife was referring to. It takes a lot of dedication, patience and persistence to achieve progress along the se lines. But fearing she'd take my momentary silence as a sign of mental immaturity I bombarded her with really intelligent questions such as:


"How long have you been married?"


"Quite a long time

we have grown children."


"When did you find out?"


"Just a couple of years ago."






"How did you find out?"

"He told me.



"I knew something was bothering him.

was going on. If I came home unexpectedly he'd slink off. I couldn't imagine what it was. I was relieved when he told me. I was thinking it surely must be something gruesome. He couldn't stand keeping it a secret and he realized he couldn't get over it.." "Do you think TV's can get over it?" "Apparently they can't."




"How would you define transvestiem?"

A: "A compulsion to wear feminine attire, somehow tied in with a second personality, although I'm not too sure about this alter ego.



"Do they seem to be different when dressed?"

A: "They are not as different in their girl-role as they think they are. I don't see the 2 personalities. I think that when they don't have to keep it a secret, they relax and the 2 personalities merge. But they certainly act like a bunch of highschool girls. Fussing and fuming at Virginia, for instance.